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Deleted 2 years ago

It auto loads.

How do you pan the screen in PC version? I try to drag the mouse but nothing happens


hold ctrl then use the mousewheel


That's to zoom. To pan/move the screen, use WASD.


How can you upgrade the core?! 

you dont, but you can increase it's capacity

And how? 

(1 edit) (+7)

Containers and vaults that are touching the core can increase it's capacity to a maximum of 21k

Whoa really? That's good to know. 

No f*ckin way.



Containers and vaults that are touching teh core increase its capacity to a max of 21k

hmm are containers unlocked in the tech tree?

What are the build materials?

They are unlocked towards the ends of the tech tree. Vaults are upgraded versions. There is also an unloader block you can use to take items out of a vault with conveyers. 

100 Titanium if you unlocked container

(1 edit) (+1)

I have an idea, a furnace or dump, I know after a while my factory runs out of space for let's say,  copper and I would much rather use a sorter to push the copper into a furnace than to have to destroy and reconstruct my belts to get everything flowing again. If you can add it thank you much, if not still a wonderful game!


That's already a thing. The incinerator destroys excess materials. Found on the factory tab.

Those would be Incinerators. They use a meager amount of power and only take up 1 square.

It sounds like you're mixing lines. That's generally a bad idea for that exact reason. Even if you had an incinerator, you'd need to make sure it's not touching the factory and voiding the output

Yeah if there's anything I've learned from Factorio and Satisfactory its that mixing lines generally are more trouble then they're worth and its more work up front to build dedicated lines for everything and takes up more space but generally much less headaches later on.

There is an Item-Destroying Furnace in the Game allready. To only destroy overproduced materials, you can use an overflowgate, this block pushes items to the right and left side if there are to many. Hope i could Help :-)

Add a Dieter top destroy only one Type of meterial


My friend, you just keep making this exponentially better!  

I do have an idea, though; programmable routers/bridge ends/overflow gates/etc.  When you click on it (as when selecting an item to sort for a sorter), have a window pop up that has togglable '<]' & '>]' symbols (like you see when offloading materials from your vehicle) for each of the four directions.  That way, for example, you can use a router beside a factory without worrying about output clogging an input flow or have an overflow gate only output extras through one side.

Does that make sense?


That's interesting, but I appreciate the limitations of the current design. Also,you can just put a sorter with no side exits pointing away from the factory and the product will come out of the router.


Quick thing: You can fly over the black void of hell. Just wanted to let you know.


Yes you can.

To fly with larger mechs use a key (on German Keyboard it's alt I think)

Is there a campaign map beyond Desolate Rift, Overgrowth, and Nuclear Production Complex? I see other built-in maps in the editor but I don't see them available in the campaign screen to unlock or play. 


Those maps are the old, beta maps. I dont believe they are, nor will ever be, part of the campaign


Hey guys, new video up! You can also check out my Mindustry playlist if that's not enough action for you!

this game is so much fun i love it. i used to play the phone version it was fun but not very good, but the pc version is 100x times better 10/10

How is it better? There's the same content. And building is easier in some ways on the phone

Uh im stupid i littrely just compard the OLD version of mindustry on the phone to the newst version on the pc. Man im so smart

I find they each have pros and cons. Trying to build conveyors on mobile to me is a huge pain but everything else seems generally easier. And I do like that mobile as auto-target and auto-fire whereas PC its manual.

Can anyone tell me what the flip did i do to get this crash?

io.anuke.arc.backends.sdl.SDLError: No matching GL pixel format available
at io.anuke.arc.backends.sdl.SdlApplication.init(
at io.anuke.arc.backends.sdl.SdlApplication.<init>(
at io.anuke.mindustry.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(


welp i guess i'm the only one with this problem


Go to the discord


Probably the best game i have ever played. I absolutely adore it! The game is free and has literally no micro transactions. You are a great person. Have a nice day!

If you ever feel like making it p2p. DO IT.

If you ever feel like putting on steam. DO IT. 

(1 edit) (+2)

It is already on steam ot buy:

bought it the day you replied

Its funny, I hadn't played the web version in a while but the game popped up as a recommendation on Google Play so I downloaded it and played it for a while. On a whim I jumped on to the computer to see if the web version had been updated which is where I found it was now on Steam


The game cost 4,20 € on Steam...



помогите, я купил игру в Steam и она не хочет запускаться


Game avalible for free or to be bought cheeply.

Totaly worth to support by buying as game itself is amazing!


i supported the game i guess. I would love this game on steam. its so good.

(1 edit)

It is on steam

yeah i said i bought it:

if you look in my games you will find mindustry, I played like 69 minutes. Nice

Found on the Google Play store for my phone, when i googled and found the PC version i was so happy.

Amazing game! 10/10

(1 edit)

Fantastic and clever game

(1 edit)

I want to play this game on my 64-bit windows PC, but when I tried to run it, it simply doesn't run. I downloaded the server as well.

Try redownloading it.  There was an issue that's been fixed in the download.


New vid is up, hope you all enjoy!

I find the game tends to crash a lot.


I installed the game from the on the internet, got a lot of progress,then once I went in one time it said that it needed an update. I found out I needed to re-install it but I was like "I want my progress to save" so I imported my progress and uninstalled the actual game using Iobit uninstaller. It turned out the up ALSO uninstalls residue files and it registered the imported save as a residue file so it deleted it and I lost all my progress. That was my bad.

(1 edit) (+1)

hey, I've been playing for weeks on my android phone and would like to transfer that data to my MAC, anyone know how I can do that?

Yey, maybe uve already find out but you can go on settings in the game, then files, export files ( all this on your phone ), and then whatever the way you use, you get these files into your pc and here you go, settings, files, IMPORT files... ^^

The thermal pump description says it can pump out lava, but I'm not able to place it on volcanic terrain, is this a bug?

I think there is no lava liquid in this game

I thought it'll pump out slag from there

It just pump a bit more water with more power


No, the thermal pump simply produces power from being on top of lava tiles.  That's all.  The only way to get slag is to melt scrap using the melter.

(1 edit)

I've a bug of game completely crash when entering the game (I mean enter to play, not opening the app) sometimes (~70%) after I update to the latest version (with armor conveyors) both campaign and custom map mode. SamsungS9+ Android9. I suspect it cause from core animation? because it's not exists before.. I think. It can still be played with reopen and start again but it's a bit tiresome  :D

Is there any way you could give the people who supported you key for steam? I actualy paid more than the steam version is going for ...

I'll gladly buy it again on steam, but that would be a nice gesture.

(1 edit)

In the discord message about the steam version, he said something like " if you paid, you´ll get a key"

EDIT: If you previously purchased the game on, you will soon be recieving a Steam key for the game. This will take about a day (perhaps more) to set up.

that were the original words

Go back to the download page from and there is a link to get the steam key there.

Is there a steam copy for those, who buy here before steam release?

(1 edit)

Please add some sort of update program for PC version so I don't have to manually re-download all the time

EDIT: Turns out I can update thru itch.

That will in 100 build? Anuke
I'm hoping that there will be something cool ,like more items :)


theres a bug, when you play mindustry and you exit, then rejoin, enter the map, the slide placing method is broken due to sliding a map, this can be fixed by removing recent application (android) of mindustry and rejoin


I can't reproduce this issue on Android.

(1 edit)

I have this problem too after update to new version, (build 96 i think). My situation is like this: old version have a game saved and play for a while, update new version, get in, try armor conveyors, when i long press and slide, it successfully add 1 or 2 block, but the the map start sliding too, and i 1cannot add the new conveyors. Using diagonal is still the same. But I can still place the block 1 by 1. After save and quit and get back to the game (it loads again), start new custom game, no problem, load in the old save, no problem. 

Ps android 8.0


Great game, I've enjoyed the challenge of this a lot!
Quick thing: PC vs. Android controls: on the PC, I really miss the directional control of the conveyors/pipes. Unless I'm mistaken, there's no way to change the direction except by "drawing" at least 2.

Maybe add the Android direction control, or allow the d-pad to do this?

Thanks so much for this game!


Use the scroll wheel to rotate the conveyors/pipes - Cheers!


Try the scroll wheel

My life has improved significantly because of you two. Thanks

Easily one of the best free games, if not THE best free game, on  right now. It is comprehensive, expansive, and it's so satisfying to figure out more and more complicated production routes!Even if you aren't a huge fan of tower defense or factory games, this one is easy to get into, and has a great production quality! I feel bad being unable to donate to them.

First, this game is very fun^^ I would like to suggest some features
- We should have predefined building template as map-editor e.g. player have 10 slots to layout buildings/conveyors. If grid/tile's limitation is required 30x30 grids should be enough. When you're playing and select the menu, you see those slot (maybe just a number 1 to 10 images with user-defined name), click it and voila. *building resource're spend accordingly
- I think Overdrive Projector is interesting but it seem we spend the resource and unexpectedly power used (even more than percent improved). It would be interesting if it not cost more power as it already have it power used and we must tackle its layout position already. Providing enough resource speed to that location is also hard enough.

I want more types of liquids

I want to help to improve Italian translation. How i can do?

(1 edit)

I had the same Idea, I would help with an german one. :) or improve the actual one.

Dear developers! the game you made is cool but I would like to see in future updates: 1 it's cool new guns, walls, factories and mechs. 2 it would be cool to divide the mechs (all ) into platoons. if this can be seen in future updates then you have a huge respect!

(1 edit)

Greetings I'm new to the game and I am in love with it


I like the feature of the new armor conveyor only accepting from other conveyors on the side but it would be nice if that were a selectabe option or even part of the titanium conveors, it would make working arround factories much easier.  


pls make it that your drones don't push you around because its really irritating but other then that, the game is great


Yes, this!  They keep pushing me and messing up my build especially when I'm trying to repair damage from an attack and it can waste precious seconds!

this game is absolutely super but a bluetooth multiplayer can be very nice

Can you add it to your game ??


Its planned

(2 edits) (+3)

Is there a way to save a point in a campaign mission?  I have completely filled a map on the last mission, approaching wave 500 and would like to go back to it after beating the game, but don't want to lose 30-40 hours of gameplay!  Would love to go back and continue seeing how many waves I can weather.


Quitting a campaign map automatically saves it. I'll be adding additional text to the quit menu to make this obvious.

(1 edit)

Sorry I wasn’t clear.  It does save but if I were to hit “launch”, between waves, it ends that map.  I can’t get back into it, can I?

The rest of the campaign missions appear to reset when I launched from them.  

when you click launch yes it will erase it

Ok, so that is what I was afraid of.

Anuke, any way we can save a mission so we can come back to it later even after we have moved on with the campaign?

(1 edit)

you can leave the game in any round and export it. If you lose you can load the latest safe and probably launch. how to export: settings -> game Data -> export data 

How O_O

One optimization at a time. ;)

How's your game now? Is the game max at 500 wave? I sleep while playing it said I'm at exactly 500. I just have simple defense line at spawn point (other places are all dedicated to factory and launch every resource lol) so I may lose if it's not managed so many wave ..if reaper destroy ammo conveyor/power node.. that why I'm curious why it's coincidence at 500. 

(1 edit)

I'm at 510.  Stopped playing for a bit.  The "heavy cruiser" wave is the only threat to me.  It will blast through the entire first 4-5 lines of yellow wall and damage my Meltdowns a little, but has yet to get any further so they have a long way to go before they can annihilate me.

I see so I die exactly at 500 lol, not wonder cause my defense is not much and it run almost 100 waves without fixing anything. I play nuclear map which is really large so those Reaper can go play after pass my defense line lol. Poor my Plastanium i didnt launch them with pad. But get quite a lot of Surge Alloy though ..170k, although most of things are still in base. Thank again so now I've a goal to reach more^^ I have save at wave 3xx but I plan to rebuild it :p

Nice, yeah you have to repair those walls and build a good defense.  Meltdown cannons are life.  Take  lots of power so be sure you have a good network of energy production with redundant power lines going to each and enough water to keep them cool.  You can see what I did in my screenshot.

Good luck.

Wow... I think you officially won the game - one of the most efficiently designed maps I've seen so far :D Would love to see a (video?) tutorial outlining your design principles for the base :)

Have you noticed any pattern with when the boss ("heavy cruiser" I guess) wave comes - e.g. every 6 waves or so?

Yes, I believe the waves repeat every 6th wave.  That is what I recall counting.
Thanks for the kind comments.  There are still inefficiencies and I most just started filling empy space with batteries and solar panels.  I certainly could do more, but the resources are pretty much tapped out with production rates so maybe not.

It can look overwhelming but it was never my goal to fill out the map.  I just kept going with waves so while waiting I would start to tweak more and more.  The things I'm most proud of are the two areas I have for production of Surge Alloys (6 smelters in all) and the tight space I used for both Impact Reactors.

Unfortunately, I did not make a video, and frankly it'd be boring since there's probably 30 hours of gameplay in this one map alone.  I don't work all that fast, tbh.  Maybe a very fast timelapse video would be interesting for my next map.

Thanks - is useful to know in advance when defences need a little phase boost...

If you get around recording your base design process, let us know - would be a treat ;)

oh boy, i remember when this game was like some pixels, now its smooth 


I love this game and I am so addicted, the problem is I don't know how to transfer my android save to pc, is there any way to do that?


In android go to settings -> game data -> export data. then save it somewhere you'll be able to find it later. transfer the savefile o your pc by using an usb-cable. on pc use the import data in the settings.

have not tried it yet but should work :)

Tried to do that, but couldn't transfer. My pc could see pc saves and android, android saves. But not the other way around. Any suggestions?

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