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(1 edit)

Would love to find a way to make my buildings ghost or dissappear altogehter so I can see what is under them.  It's easy to forget if you covered part of a resource patch or if your mine coverage isn't very efficient.  There's no way to check without destroying parts of your base.

Any way you could borrow from the idea of destroyed buildings having a ghost by creating a toggle to make your buildings ghost out (even fainter than the destroyed building's ghost)?

Hey, @Anuke, those who wants to migrate their gameplay from here to Steam and have paid, is there way to do just that?

Hello guys ! Names Thomas! 

I like your game, but we need serious help from the devs. There is a lot of griefers. All the servers are down cuz of them ( players constantly core nuking, or deleting stuff) We need nothing to big guys, just a little vote system change or plugin. Add a new system called V2B ( Vote 2 Build). That means if a new player join the server the others need to vote (at least 2-3) to give them right to build or delete. Otherwise they can't build. That will fix the deleting griefers. The bann system need to be changed as well. Fasten up a little bit! We need 2-3 min to bann someone ( in that time he can delete belts or generators, nodes etc) 

V2B system: The player who joins the server first automatically gain the right to build, the second one need to get the right from the 1st one, etc. It's a good game guys, make it better. 

Ingame name ZonTeX. You can find me in 3000 probably every good player know me there. We working on to fix the griefer rage. I hope you will help us ! Thumbs up from Hungary!

(1 edit)

Anuke isnt in charge of all of the servers, they are all community hosted. So instead report these situations to the moderaters and admins.

And the V2B feature probably might already be a server plugin that exists.

problem i have noticed a griefer will never say that he is going to grief, also "currupt" people (the first on the server) could make it so nobody else could biuld (taking over the server bacicly)


amazing game, also, very addictive

When I try to open up the game my mac says "Mindustry is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the bin."

It's the newest version.

Thanks in advance.

the game doesnt work anymore..

it always crashes on the loading screen when it reaches 75%.

also im a mac user..

maybe redownload it. if you already did, download the other mac version

Let's break the game with a billion bots! Hope you all like today's video, there's tons more available in my playlist:
(2 edits)

could you add this game to the chomestore or so it works with chomebooks since i cant ennable linux things on the chomebook

this game requires certain things that you can't install on a chromebook, so it will most likely never be made for chromebooks

(1 edit)

You could try to dual-boot the Chromebook by using Crouton, which if you search it up should pop up multiple guides on how to do so. 

The alternative would be to download Termux through the Google Play Store on the Chromebook and use the pkg install proot command to run Chroot, and theoretically run Mindustry. This is only my theory though, as I haven't tested it.

Neither of these will work if you're currently on a school Chromebook, since those have pretty much everything restricted. 

Or, you know, get it on your phone or some other computer. 


there should be an inverted overflow gate

(1 edit)

esplain how that would work


It only outputs to the sides unless here is excess material, then it sends it forward.

Got more gameplay for you all today, we're back in Desolate Rift and we've kicked the hornet's nest. Can we survive the onslaught? Watch and find out!


for windows: download "[server]", unzip the files, click "run_server.bat"

for mac/linux: download "[server]", unzip the files, click ""


It's a good game! But one question:
How do we put a plugin on our server?

Deleted 4 years ago

Not what this game is about. Its grahhics are styalized and quite good tbh


Graphics aren't the point of the game. Gameplay is what matters most, and Mindustry is a fun game.


Rly their raphics aare godo and is still fun


how fucking stupid are you

Deleted 4 years ago

the graphics are designed like that to give the game a unique feeling, and slightly pixely to maintain what the original game was, a pixel art game.

saying that this game is bad due to the pixel art graphics is like me saying you are bad because you aren't the President.


Considering the game's small download and cross-platform support, the graphics contribute to the game's performance even on mobile. Games with thousands of units, buildings and enemies with AI are tough to run on mobile and on PC/Mac. However, this game runs very well on multiplayer cross multiple users and architectures. 


hehe mindustry lovers.

hehe troll.  Find a hobby.  XD


this is example :D

get waking people

"get waking people"?

There some kind of political uprising you're trying to start?  Lol.




Hi! I'm Chuntao Zhu, an investor in Creation Capital. I have focused on observation and analysis of gameplay for 5 years, and spent the last 4 days playing your game "Mindustry". Actually, I find myself loving this game so much, so I wonder if there may be something I can do for you? Please feel free to contact me. Thanks!  By the way, I really wanna learn how to work with "the blueprint"!


Hi Chuntao. All investors are parasite scum who profit from other people's work without doing any work themselves. You get the wall.


Sounds like tmltd never got backed. XD


That would be an incorrect assumption. Investors are parasite scum, just the same as employers, landlords, moneylenders, insurers, speculators, and everyone else who takes money from others without doing any useful labour themselves.

While some are, not all of them are.  There's a lot of good investors out there that you don't hear about because there's nothing exciting about them (AKA, they're not dirtbags).  People need capitol to start businesses and they provide it.  I have had family who has had investors work with them to start their businesses.  If done right and you're savvy enough to read the contracts you can easily determine which ones are good and which ones are dirt.  

Nope, they're all scum. They don't do any *labour* in exchange for the profit they take from their investee. Money only has exchange value because it represents goods and services with real, tangible utility. All of that utility is created with human labour. There is no labour being done when investors "provide" capital; they allow access temporarily and ultimately *gain* capital by taking labour value from the investee. Workers could instead simply ignore the assertions of ownership by investors, and just freely use those previously-hoarded means of production to create goods and services, *without* paying any parasites. The only reason workers don't do this is because of the violent enforcement of property owners' will by the state. Investors are thus autocrats, oppressors, and parasites - every last one of them should be buried.



I am a game worker in China, and I have just tried your game. I think it has great potential in China. I hope you can leave a contact information

thank you


anuke wont reply your comment in 1 year.

Oh my God!!!


its free here dam, i brought it on steam but its worth the money anyway.


Probably the best, most refined game on Itch now, available in pay-what-you-want or free-to-play.


Love love LOVE the game!


I need a Firefighter update. There obviously will be a firefighter. It's just a useful drone that will get water from natural water sources or water banks built by player. After he will fly to fire and  remove it. I think it cold be useful


It could take water from any special block, if there isn't any water on the map.

Last time I was not prepared for Desolate Rift and it wasn't pretty. This time I'm ready for my REVENGEANCE!
Deleted post

Hi, I really love this game and i'm trying to make a mod on it so I wanted to know: what attributs are necessary to make a pump ? I saw the modding part of the wiki but nothing help me to create a tile liquid on the floor and a pump for this liquid specially.

Thanks !!

Is the newest windows version incompatible with the game? I was playing the game yesterday through steam and now, after a windows update, cant launch it anymore. It give me the same error which says that my driver does not support opengl 2.0 (it does, i checked). And it says if you update the driver and it still does not work, your pc is incompatible, but it is since i was playing yesterday.


Guys, maybe someone of you could Help me. Im at Wave 440 (yea, No joke ....) in Wasteland. There are two enemie spawns, one for mostly Air Units and one for ground Units. In Wave 444 there will be a MASSIVE Titan Spawn, i tryed this Wave so many times ... There is No way of surviving this. Any Tips ? I have 32 Meltdowns in total, a very potent Energy supply of 8 Fusion reactors and all ressources in very large amounts.

U can make your own army to defeat it. example, you can make tons of ground units like the omega, tell me if it work

I had to abandon the map. The last update doubled the reload time of Meltdowns If cooled with water, i die instantly, even with pause-building there is no way i can supply my Meltdowns with Cryofluid. But thanks for your Help :-)

oh and i was building Units allready, but No effect. The Titan Mechs kill a Meltdown with 4-5 Hits, any Minion i produce dies in one Shot. 

What walls do you have?

The electric ones. 3 layers, and heal projectors Like 20 of them with Phase boost. Still no Chance, they Cut through my defense Like a glowing hot knife through allready melting butter

Plastanium? As I know, they aren't the best ones. Maybe try kinetic or phase ones?

Not plastanium, i Said electric ones, the golden Walls, and they are the best ones as far as i know.

(4 edits)

Do you mean Surge Walls?
I just checked my map and my wall is 6-7 deep with a row of Meltdowns (all water cooled) and Overdrive Projectors spaced enough to cover everything on the front lines.  No point in doubling up on Heal Projectors since I don't think they stack healing.  In fact I mostly just us repair bots since they repair quick and can go anywhere.  I have about 14 of them but the die kind of quick so that's the only downside.

Also, I found Force Projectors to not really be worth the effort later in the game.  Better to have more weapons to kill the enemy...the faster they die the less damage they can do.  (In the below, image have one near my front line, but that was a test and I think I'll be removing it and putting the Meltdown back in it's place.)

I also have about 40 Revenant gun ships I keep flying around a relay point just behind the front line and send to attack once the enemy gets close enough to fire at the first wall.  I find they help draw fire away from my buildings and they are much cheaper/easier to replace than Meltdowns and Surge Walls (titanium and silicon only).

I'm on wave 602 on Desolate Waste to give you an idea.  It only gets dicey when I forget to release my Revenants on the "Heavy Cruiser Wave" (not sure what else to call it) that comes everything 6th wave.

Here was my last "Heavy Cruiser Wave" battle.  First pic is just when my cannons started firing.

Second pick is during combat.


okay i have a interesting idea.. as it seems you get dropped into any zone from orbit.. why not have some kind of block that is like a launch pad but instead works the other way... so it would be able to collect resources from orbit?

you can choose your resources in the start of your game, if you reached wave 15 (most time)

With the release of 5.0, the Steam version lost the opportunity to invite a friend


Possible to add a different sound for your healing ships?  I keep thinking I'm being fired upon, but it's because their sound is identical to enemy fire.

Also, it'd be nice if enemy fire was a different color from your own weapons.  Maybe make them red so it's easy to distinguish enemy fire from friendly fire.

Try add a FACTION :)

and how to start the server mindustry? and how to play it to connect to other players?

Saben donde puedo descargar mapas pvp o coop para jugar con amigos !?

Para hacer eso necesitas compra el juego en steam y descargar los mapas en el steam workshop. El juego esta en un precio muy accesible, yo me lo iba a comprar ayer pero mientras me daban mi codigo para comprar en una tienda lo local en mi comunidad, me salio una cosa para actualizar el steam, despues ya no pude comprarme el juego en su momento, tuve que esperar 24 horas para volver a hacerlo, porque cuando lo intentaba comprar de nuevo, me salia un mensaje que decia, ya estas comprando el mismo juego.


This game is brilliant. And it gets really, really good. The addition of modding is fantastic. I just need to make a few remarks on the modding idea. 

1) Modding idea is fantastic, but it can create large problems for future versions if not carefully designed.

2) Really good modding must have a very well organized structure, documentation and functionality (one external robust tool to create mods is a good start).

3) Modding is really fun until everyone decides to make their own external tool to create mods (this creates chaos and problems for future mod developers).

4) Modding distribution and creation must have from the beginning a simple dedicated web page (here you have everything - how to make mods , sharing mods, mods library).

5) Modding should include clear and robust API used by all modders (this is hard and complex to handle but it is essential).

6) Making mods should be easy to get into and hard for changing gameplay feeling.


This remarks are based on years of observing, playing and modding Minecraft. I would also like to thanks to all the people who put a lot of time in making this amazing game !

Hey, we are talking about this comment on a post on the forum, you might be interested in joining the discussion =)

(1 edit) (+1)

I would like to give a suggestion for the game since you get electricity fairly soon but most if none at all the electrical turrets there are no anti-air especially in the heavy air early game.  even it is a super early and weak one it would be great especially for those(like myself) who only like to run full electricity.

У меня есть просьба. кто может сделать какой-нибудь крутой мод (например, на пушке, на стенах) и оставить ссылку под этим комментарием. пожалуйста! Я просто не понимаю , кодов и не могу сделать моды.


Hi, i have a problem: I was downloaded mindustry for windows(64it) version, and when i started game there was only game window and mouse cursor. This is all, nothing happens.

Nah you just need to extrat the file

I was questioning where to find the campaign maps because i want edit them and I hope the Mindustry team makes attack maps and many others kinds of map

Im not sure if you can edit the campaign maps. Plus anuke (which is one person not a team) already made attack maps on the campaign, which are; Fungal Pass, Overgrowth, and Salt Flats I think.

yes I know that there are campaign attack map, but there are some ores that are not in the map: which means I cant build other buildings and the my configuration of the loadout is very limited.


The new update took the things that i liked, like for example the ability to not overlap routers or over flow when placing a row of juntion ( like an alternating row of routers and junction or overflow with junction, or titanium conveyors with routers/overflow, or ritanium conveyors and armored conveyors, it would be nice if they dont overlap, but i do like the new feel of it as in when deleting things it is highlighted more and when placing things it is highlighted by being transparent and also the fact that conveyors change when placing another row is also nice but please return the function that doesnt allow overlapping of things

hey theres a bug that does not allow me to enter a campaign map, the launch button is greyed out they it does if you dont have enough resources to enter the map, but i do though. I dont know if its because of the example mod i loaded in or just an actual bug.

im using release 97 BTW

do u haveall the requiremenets? (like reached a wave on other map, having researched buildings needed)

really enjoying this game thank you. some aspects remind me of Earth 2150 and some of Supreme Commander, two of my favourite rts :D

Why does my game not automatically update? - is there something I need to do first?

Do you have the launcher?

honestly, especially since the last update adjusted the solo part, one thing I suggest is to adjust the waves to either spread them out longer or drag out the point they overwhelm a player especially in the maps where all you do is collect RSS. I'd also suggest adding more story maps or having the older maps have the "new" rss pop up in them as the relevant tech is unlocked in the next map play through, but maybe only after all the maps have been played through once to keep the "mode" and stop map camping, or both options as other older games in this genre had a minimum of 20 to 25 story lvls (ex. of games in this genre the original war craft and space craft, Earth 2150, any old school Command and Conquer). and thank you for the hard work

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