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Doesn't seem to open. When I press launch, it immediately stops. Is it anything to do with the new update?

Deleted 165 days ago
Deleted 165 days ago

I used to have that issue on my older computer it would start and run but the speed would be slower i think its more of a performance issue.

i cant play

(3 edits) (-1)

The 4.0 Alpha GUI update IS INSANE HOLY ****. Although the GUI remains the same size and doesn't scale up depending on resolution.

Deleted 5 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

enemies get stuck out off bounds


looking for heads up on how to biuld spectre turret

Game that is...Good.

No other responses.

Really interesting game, I love the combination of sandbox and tower defense themes. The concepts can be confusing at times, but everything starts to make sense after a while.


Is there a way to manually open it?

Yes help I can't open the jar on my mac!

How do you get the different mechs in the most recent ver.?

You gotta get a couple hundred silicon, which is made from the silicon melter.

👌 thx

why does'nt this game launch on osx?

(2 edits)

When I try to launch the game on windows 10 it doesn´t do anything. On linux the game does work. I like this game.


I cant get the latest version on my mac. Help!

V4.0 Thorium, how to get it, how does it look?

It is pink.

Great observation.

the discord link is an expired invite :(

I am having issues playing alpha 4.0 on windows 10 64 bit. When I open the executable file, it just displays the main page of the game for a second and then closes by itself. Please help.

So interesting

I can't play it in Windows 7. Does your game support my OS?

i think you should make it so for the windows 10 version you can have touchscreen controls, because im on my windows 10 tablet and cant play without touchscreen. other than that, ive played on my pc before and its amazing

Second sector - goal is send attack comand from center. Just buld command center and game is frozen. Retry and got the same error.


Loving the new update, I was curious if it would be possible to add a "Follow Player" command to the Command Center.

Would love to have my mechs run around with me.


I am on Sector 0,2 and cannot figure out how to "Switch to mech dart". Did I miss something?


Deleted 2 years ago

fantastic game great time passes on android, cant wait to try out server with a few friends


Mr .Anuke im playing the newest version of Mindustry i hope in the future update you could some of my suggestions. ores,fuels like valuable items maybe gold or something

2.A timer router that only passes to the next router when they are timed to go to next router.

3.A skirmish mode against you and AI/Computer with color coding

4.New buildings,routers,teleportation for liquid forms, & Maybe a Research lab

5.from concept Research lab,put something like a cloning router/MACHINE Fueling only with expensive fuels and ore,only be built if researched & more machines

6.New types & kinds of enemy like water & air Enemy types and a water & air deffences Like a Missile turret

I think adding some sort of drill mechanic to the power lasers or just a drill so you can break through the unbreakable blocks to create shortcuts and such for the belts (if there is already a way to do this I would love to know. I also use moble)

Deleted 2 years ago

Hi I am a game designer for a leading studio. I shall remain anonymous for now but I would like to provide feedback:
1. The game has a lot of potential, I was happy to support it
2. The later stages of the game are not so great: Once I hit wave 20, I've rounded up all my supply chain, I've contained the enemies to trap them into my kill zones. Now, it's just a boring task of fixing kill zones and beefing them up or adding redundancies because the enemies are just becoming stronger. Nothing changes. I think every reasonable player just sees where this is going and how pointless it is.
3. The graphics are cute. I dig the pixel... "art"... but I think you should increase the resolution a little bit and invest in better sprites, as these are quite unexciting and actually hard to see what's going on. Like, you don't see the cool parts of the guns... Or, you don't see the difference between sorter and pump, like, there's no semantics, no "mechanics".  Regardless of the resolution, the colors are boring!

Can't place the turret in the tutorial and it won't let me place iron drills anywhere that has iron, only places without iron and doesn't let me place blocks outside of  the area of my core. Please help!!! 

Honestly I'm excited for 4.0 all the new ores stuff. Hope to see it on mobile. Have it both on android and ios ( yes I payed ;) ) hope to see the new tactics 4.0 brings.

I started playing at 2.0, and the game has come a long way! Learning how everything works in 4.0 took a bit of time, but I really enjoy the new features. Being able to produce your own enemies is so fun. I also enjoy the mass driver, it's so stupid and cool at the same time. The amount of content you have added is amazing, how much new stuff did you have to code? It feels like almost a complete revamp, but I prefer it over the older versions. Can't wait for more updates! 

could you please please please tell me what the mass driver does? i can't figure it out, plz help me

when you hace two that are powered and in range of each other, items that are put into one are shot to the other, then you take the items out


your game is a piece of shit at this point... somehow the fucking pocket edition is better in almost everyway possible. we need a tutorial, we need to know what the ores are we need to know when the core is getting attacked, we need sound, we need to be able to fight back when we cant build something!! jesus Christ ive been kill like 6 time because I was trying to build something and your stupid game wont let me fight back

(2 edits) (+1)

wow, it's almost as if this version is an incomplete alpha and none of the help text, content or UI is complete yet

it would sure be nice if the game told you that 4.0 is not representative of the final product-- perhaps it could even display a dialog at startup stating this fact in red highlighted text

oh well, guess this version is fundamentally broken because I can't find the shoot button or see the giant flashing "CORE IS UNDER ATTACK" text on the top of my screen

(seriously, if you don't like 4.0, play 3.5 until it's done, or at least read the info text that is displayed at startup instead of restating issues that I have already pointed out)

Honestly i think 3.5 is better than 4.0 becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee FUCKING 4.0 Is impossible

No, it might just be hard, but it's not impossible. Remember that it is in alpha.

(2 edits)

I really like this game, and I can't stop playing this! But also, I have some proposals for you.

At first, please add some new turrets.When I build my defences with top turrets, the game begin be boring.

Also, please make more different ways (new extructors for example) to harvest reourses.

And after all, please add more ways to protect your base : for example, new variations of energetic shield, healing turret, generators etc.


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