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uh oh


did you try disabling any anti virus

(1 edit) (+1)

My antivirus is kinda stupid and doesnt let me exclude if it's 100% sure its virus. Only way to turn off is by uninstalling it :P

Don't buy BitDefender


Oh fuck

(3 edits) (-1)

Alright, can someone please tell me how to make stuff actually work in the map builder? I build a core, click "Edit in game", plop down a drill, conveyor, and tower, and NONE of them work! not even sandbox only items! The item and liquid sources I can't be sure about (because conveyors don't work), but the power source generates NO power at all! I had a great Idea for a map but I can't build it if nothing works.

Edit: Alright I got it guys, thanks for the comments

OK so I have a completely different question that might seem a bit weird - What's the "theme" for the sea units? I mean like the flare path's theme is sun-related, the mono's is shape-related, the dagger's is medieval-related, the crawler's is bug/poison-related, and the nova's is space related. but what's the risso's? The units in its path are as follows: Risso, Minke, Bryde, Sei, Omura. I can't see any theme between them.

Great game by the way I'm completely addicted XD


U cant let them work in the map builder mode(

What does that mean?


There is NO WAY to let them work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Deleted 2 years ago

They don't work when you're in the map builder itself, only when you go into a game with that map and place them.

My game crashes when i start it any idea how to fix this issue?

I need some help. I'm trying to play with a friend at school and/or when we go home. I can't seem to find a way to play with him since he is on a different network at home and our school blocks a lot of things meaning servers can't be accessed without a VPN in school hours. Any help is really appreciated. I really enjoy this game and I hope to keep playing it. :D

(2 edits) (+1)

you could set up a vpn connecting your device to his network, or vise versa. or maybe look into setting up your own server although setting up a server requires portforwarding which can be a problem. On school you can just try hosting a local game. this is also what you would do if you have set up a vpn.

I hope this helped.


if my explanation din't help here ya go.

You could also set up a server and have them join

(1 edit)

you could both buy mindustry on steam and play together. I recently bought the game just for that


This game is the best of the world !!!!!

Yes !!!!


Stupidly addictive and underrated


best game =))


Best game ever.


how do i download older versions?

(1 edit) (+2)

via github (


thank you 


Cyclone + plastanium is goated you should really try it out

Holy f it is

Deleted 3 years ago

Yes. You need the other person to be on the same internet connection with you though

play on mobile version, its free


not on apple 😢

(1 edit)

still no more possibilities of multiplayer game than on steam


Ótimo game, iniciei uma serie de gameplay dele, e é muito bom jogar esse modo de conquista global, espero ansioso por novas atualizações e recursos!

Mindustry Gameplay ep1 venha acompanhar essa serie show de bola!

(1 edit)

What does the Mono air unit do?

It can't shoot, it's slower and can carry less than the basic unit (alpha), the health is garbage, and it doesn't respond to any command center commands! I mean, I can't see ANY benefit to spending resources on it.

okay never mind the upgrades past it are INCREDIBLE

The monos mine ores automatically for you.

Yeah, I read the wiki


But I'm in sandbox and have all the max resources so it looked like it did nothing until I used some copper


good game I can see


thank you very much for the classic version

I need a tutorial

love the classic

Someone help I keep crashing when start laoding about(system-map) , i hope someone can help me.

what should i do

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x75e2c1fb, pid=1560, tid=0x00001884
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0_201-b09) (build 1.8.0_201-1-ojdkbuild-b09)
# Java VM: OpenJDK Server VM (25.201-b09 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C  [MSCTF.dll+0x2c1fb]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows

report on github







FUCKING AMAZING GAME... I wish I had money to give to anuke... excellent work

is there any way to make mindustry update automatically?


Buy it on Steam

Deleted 1 year ago

Download the app, I've never used it but it supposedly has auto update.

I use the app and it does in fact have an auto-update feature

Do you mean just download it from, or is there something else?

I don’t think so, I just downloaded the app and everything worked.

(1 edit)

Well, I downloaded Mindustry straight from and I'm still in release build 123.1.

Edit: I have an Idea for a way to update it and still keep all of my save data, and it's pretty simple; I just export my save data, re-download Mindustry, and import my save data. Would this work or is it stupid?

this game is really cool! i havent played it that much and i like it a lot!



eject future, become router

Howzabout payload router

Anuke plz read my coment bollow this one and the other one about Survial mode


Hope this game never dies like terraria will with 1.5 update

It didn't die, the game was completed and people still play it (plus tModLoader is on the way)

Maybe you are not used to the concept of games being done?


Very Nice Grapchis Ankue Is Very Talented But I do Think there sould be a survial mode where mobs can spawn every where and you have to gather martierals and the more you explore the better ores you find and every day its a new round with stronger mobs anuke I hope you do add this feature as this could be a whole new gamemode 



Really Anuke just imagine the smiles on the faces of people when they start a new world


Rednikodem try posting this in suggestions in the mindustry discord

What if someone payed 1millon dolars for mindustry?


Then Anuke will make 7.0 in one day without resting!

Let us all pray


Recommendation, you should try posting a GOG version… i would be willing to buy it there! Steam is nice and all, but i would rather buy as few games there as possible


Why does my antivirus say it contains 12 malicious files xd


your antivirus sucks



i have a question how do i update a game


Download it again.

or get update store


A few days ago I've asked for minor change for people with violation of color perception and now, after a short discussion, it's done

Thank you Anuke for such a nice game

Many thanks to community for support

I see you like plastanium

me too


Let's enjoy!




maybe he want build something, and you disburse him 

its even a small and useful build


Play with people you know


(1 edit) (+2)

Make them.

What he said












(3 edits) (+11)

A free game with good graphics, a good art-style, a great community, and its available on both mobile and PC?! And the fact that this was made by one person (with help from contributors) is just astounding. This game is really fun and has a great balance of both tower defense and resource management. Hats off to you, Anuke!

i am getting vote kicked from servers for no reason at all

love the game! any plans to put it on GoG? :D


I cant belive one person made this game there self you must have put both sweat and tries in this game (i am making my own game and its much less stable and well non boring plus your game has tons of levels and i almost never get bored while playing)

Good game -Rednikodem

in this game you can create maps and it is super easy

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