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Can anyone tell me how can i join a sever again plz,i forgot

(1 edit) (-1)

Does anybody got kicked out for no reason and got called noob for no reason but your a pro like getting bullied i did from the server 9001 they need a report place man

how do i host so my friends can join?

Hamachi is required. The Hoster's ipv4 addres is the ip for the server. Launch a map where you want to play with your friends, press esc and then press host server.

what is hamachi

no idea, but there is a host button that you can press to open a lan game, if else there is a server file right

is an app that allows you to host games and play them in online multiplayer even if the game just jave local multiplayer. its like you are the server.

beep boop
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game wont run on windows 10. when i click on the exe it loads and says its running, but then doesn't do anything and says i'm no longer playing.

(edit)  i figured it out. since it is with java and my windows user has an ! in it java wont work.

I don´t know how, but at mine (Win10 Home IDK the Version, but it hasn´t any longer support) it works

anybody know how to get plugins for servers on this?

Plugins are posted in the #plugins Discord channel, although you can also search GitHub for them:

Does anyone know where I could find the wiki? I could only find the Mindustry classic wiki.

In the game, it can be found by going into Info->Wiki on PC, or by tapping the info button at the bottom of the menu on iOS/Android.

Where can I go in and pay more for the game?

it just says "Download now  Name your own price"

if you go into there you choose how much you want to give them

how does the server one work? i mean, a normal game will only last an hour or so, so how would a server, which is meant to last for weeks, work?

also, would a pi 3 run it?

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Servers automatically shuffle to a new map after a game-over. And, yes, the server will run on Pi, as as long as it has Java installed.

does it pause when no-one is on it

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(Improvement suggestions)you should make it so that if doors are directly next to each other, they all open with one click. there should also be an option to set the mechs to path find to doors instead of going out the nearest hole in a wall.



There are very few real time strategy games that I like, and this is definitely one of them...

New Video up!

Idk if this is a glitch but I placed my router between two other router but it won't finish building and we had 1.5k copper it never finishes it just stay the same pls fix it?

sometimes when something is in the middle of being built and is interupted it wont build, tapping/clicking on the thing your trying to build will probably work

Sounds like you were on one of the servers that prevents people from placing router next to each other.

why would that be a thing?

i mean, it would reduce the lag, but my mid-low teir pc runs the game at 500 fps, so why would that be a concern?

It's for religious reasons, unrelated to lag.

its crazy how much this game changed 

Wow, just saw Mindustry featured on the front page! Hopefully that means more eager new players :)

Also, I'll have new Mindustry videos releasing tomorrow, prepare yourselves! lol

This game my love forever


I switched from android to PC playing and I can't seem to figure out how to pan over the field while paused like I can do on Android. This makes it very difficult to queue up huge tasks or survey the map. What am I missing?


I don't think you can, sadly.  Wish you could.

good game

This is incredible! I love the fact you can play Campaign mode in multiplayer with friends. Thanks for this!

Fantastic game. Downloaded this on my phone and wanted more, then found this enhanced version for the computer. Keep making good stuff.

is this a good game?

just syaing dont want to ruin space..

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It's a good game but i dont know if it works
you also can download it on playstore (not for computer or laptop or ETC.)

also you need graphic card OpenGL 2.0 just so you know

Do anyone know how to get OpenGL 2.0

ok thx also i dont know what my computer has lol luckily this didnt appeal to me much lol

What didnt appeal to yo

It's an awesome game imo. If you're not sure, why not watch some gameplay. Myself and others have linked videos below.

ok thank you just my power in my town was going off in a 10 mins at the time (because of some emergency broken power line) so i didnt get time too lol

How do you export game data from android to mac.

have a dig around in the file to find the save data


i recomend this game

very nice

Is there anything for map sharing?

you need to post it on the official discord of the game

(1 edit) (+2)

Yo,can someone help everytime I launch I get this

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000000, pid=5220, tid=0x00001384
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0_201-b09) (build 1.8.0_201-1-ojdkbuild-b09)
# Java VM: OpenJDK Server VM (25.201-b09 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C  0x00000000
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.


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I have this problem too

I also have this proble

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Boosting titamium tracks make the items skip the corner a bit


Free power

!yes! :)

The best kind!


Hi Anuke!

Does this game had multithreading on and if had how to turn off? because not only doesn't increase fps but making my phone hotter.


I got more Mindustry action for you all today and I'll be keeping them coming for a while. Here's the playlist if you'd like to follow along:

Mindustry Classic has the ability to save and load saved games, but in the new version this feature was dropped (disabled?). Can it be brought back somehow (by modifying source files, probably)? I'm still a little bit salty after getting r@ped in Tar Fields by flying bosses.

haha lol same

(2 edits)

Hi Anuke !

Well, I understand that the turrets calculate their angle of sight in relation to the future position of the enemy. But I tell myself that it would be nice to be able to disable it sometimes. Because the enemies have a path annoying because of the ground and walls and therefore the turrets have a hard time aiming correctly.

 That would be possible?

kinda suprised the turrets don't target where the bots are going to be, not what they would do if the go in a strait line

Sorry I don't understand what you say.. Is it not what I said ?

I need Win XP version


dude, this is a java soft, take the itch launcher and dl the game x)

Idk where to ask this but why is mindustry free on every platform but iOS 


Bbecause developers have to pay an annual fee when they register with the Appstore.

Thanks I didn't know


And it's not free.  It's pay what you want.  If you feel entitled to free, then so be it.  I think someone who puts forth this kind of work deserves compensation

How to transfer data from mobile devices to computers?

Open game from android -> Settings -> Game data -> Export -> Save file -> Move this file to PC -> Open game from PC -> Settings -> Game data -> Import -> Select file -> Done

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But when I try to save the file on Android it does not save it to me. he says the file is exported but there is nothing
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This happens to me too :(

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I really like this game but I still need a language change from another place because Indonesian is still incomplete on the Android version I hope it will be complete on the computer version

I'm confused by the weapon specifications.  Take the Ripple, for instance:

It has "4 shots", and shoots "4 shots/sec".  I assume that means it fires a volley of 4 shots once every second?  With Silicon, it does "33 area damage over 3.1 tiles".  I assume that means it does 33 damage to every unit within a 3.1 tile radius of contact?  Or is the damage divided among the targets?  I'm assuming not, because I've seen Ripples tear through swarms of units with only a few volleys.

It has a "2x ammo multiplier".  I assume that means that it only consumes one ammo for every 2 shots?  It has "0.8 knockback".  I guess that means it knocks back the target by 0.8 blocks?  If it fires once per second, it should be able to cause -0.8 blocks/sec of velocity to its target?  Does that count for each round or only the volley?  If all 4 shots hit a single target, can it knock back "3.2", whatever that means?

Silicon ammo has "homing", which is obvious enough if you watch the animations.

Now, if we look at Lancer, we see it does 140 damage per shot, but only shoots 2 times every 3 seconds.  I've seen it cut through a line of mechs, so I assume that it does 140 damage *per target* it touches?  Since it always shoots in a straight line, it's pretty obvious what it hits.

But a more difficult one to understand is the Arc.  It does 25 damage and fires 2.5x per second, but I think it also hits multiple targets.  Does it hit *every* target within range, or just targets that a "close together"?  Unlike artillery, the damage is not specified as a radius, so this is unclear.

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Through my own experience i can tell you this,homing mean its will follow your enemy,ammo multiplier is like consume 1 but shoot the number of multiply for the type of ammo(for example of the Ripple,if you load it with blast mixture(or blast compound,i don't really remember that one well) it will shoot 4 projectiles while if you load it with silicon,it will fire 2 projectile at a time).About the blast radius,the radius around the impact spot is making an area equal to the area of about the numbers block in description.Other than that,knockback mean when enemy get hit,they have a percentage of getting push back when get hit,frag mean bullet will do a spread damage to enemy behind the enemy got hit(that what i think),incidary is enemy will take damage over time but it can re do the efect on your building so i don't recommend using pyronite as ammo and lastly,shock equal to enemy will got shock and stand still without doing anything at it spot

because I liked the mobile version, I tried on the desktop, but I cant find the update button.

is there a list of keys?

Try "Settings" -> "Controls"


Thank you for having a linux version!


Is There a Co-op in Mindustry and if not is there a Co-op Coming? I'm really enjoying watching the game it looks amazing but I'm currently looking for a Co-op game so i don't want to buy it then find out its not multiplayer

it IS multiplayer. just press esc in-game, select "host game" and anyone on your local network can join via the main menu. you can also port-forward.

ALSO, why do you buy it? You can choose your price so you can try it first and then you can donate to the devs

you dont need to buy it, the game itself is free, but you can donate to the developer


My computer crashed like screen turned black while i was playing Mindustry. Had to boot it up again and when I launched the game, i was back in tutorial, my data got erased somehow. Anyone knows how to get my data back?

Did you create any Safe? (Exported Data) If not, idk.

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