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Deleted 2 years ago

hi i think you might be right that this is an awsome game being made

Deleted 2 years ago

Walking at an angle shakes the screen, annoying.

This can't really be fixed, as it is caused by the pixelated screen. You can try disabling "smooth camera" in the settings, which might help a little bit.

(1 edit)

are you planning on possibly making the core (what your protecting) bigger possibly a 3x3 with armored corners or a 4x4 so you could input from two conveyors from any side to get a higher through put. Also have you entertained the idea of doing underground belts from factorio

(2 edits)

Really fun! however i feel like you cant keep up with the waves eventually. One wave ends and another begins in >30  - 15 sec

nvm i was just dumb xD

Keep up the good work!

(also how 2 fullscreen)

PS: can you make a bridge tile, where you can put items say through the top face and end up on the bottom, while simultaniously moving items from the right to the left? that would make my day.

(also maybe a door)

There should be a fullscreen button in the bottom right corner of the screen (on web, anyway). As for the bridge tile, a junction block should do what you've asked; it should it be in the third block tab. I'll see if I can implement something similar to a door.

(1 edit)


(also is it possible to make a separator[eg mov coal to left move everything else down]  cuz that would make omnidrills alot better)

Yep, I'm planning on adding a sorter/separator block in 3.0.

(1 edit)

Pretty fun factorio like game!!! 

I just want to mention that the flow of water pumps is not as consistent as the conveyor belts. I don't know whether it is intentional that the water is a little slower to obtain, but with a single water pump supplying to 1 extractor seems to work (will work much better than 20+ pumps channeling to a single stream of pipe and separating it from multiple liquid routers)

Thanks-- the inconsistent flow is probably caused by the fact that conduits have a maximum water capacity and speed, and if you have 20+ pumps pumping into a single conduit it won't flow fast enough for the water to leave before the conduit fills up, leading to a slower flow than many separate pipes.

Thank you for the clarification! It make sense in physics terms too xD

hey... were is turret health and damage located? I'm trying to mod mindustry but all ive done so far is made titanium have a shiner looking sprite. (but you probably dont want me to know how to hack your game)

Well, actually, the source code is public here, so if you'd like, you can make a fork of the code and edit the game as you want. Although, I'm not sure how much coding experience you have, so it might take some effort to set everything up for building the game.

(as for your question about turret health and damage, it's defined programmatically inside the WeaponBlocks class, or in this source file)

(1 edit)

Im still learning about compileing java programs but i did make some custom maps and i found the save with 2 million of every resource. 

(here's my map it dosn't look that good yet)

Nice! I should really add a level importer sometime soon

If you want to start with every resource (and some other debug features), you can run the .JAR file through the command-line with 

java -jar desktop-1.0.jar -debug

to enable debugging. There's a bunch of random keys mapped to things like spawning a wave, but it's not documented anywhere.

:D is in spanish :(

Very cool game :D

Hey so um i like this game is so much fun and is very addictive i just love it and i just can't stop playing this game but one qeustion is there a way to save you're progress becouse it just sucks when ever i did so well but then i tryed looking is there a save button or something? i looked at the settings i looked at the menu and nothingit just sucks so much if there is a way to save you're progress please tell ( or maybe is just somewhere that i can't see it and people is gana start calling me a ideot)

You can save your game, but only on PC or Android. The web version doesn't support saving (not yet, anyway).

oh well :/ but i still love you're game :D 


maybe something you could quickly do?  use 2 keys like Q and E to rotate items counter-clockwise and clockwise?

Are you referring to rotating blocks that are already placed, or blocks that you have selected?

blocks that are selected, it's just a bit annoying to press R three times to rotate counter-clockwise once.

Alright, I've added it to the development code, although the keys are E/R-- I didn't want to re-map the current rotate key and confuse people.


Looks like a nice game but the mac version doesnt work on mac :( ive also tried the Linux version just for sure but still doesnt work

Terminal says it cant execute the binary file

Last login: Mon Oct 16 19:42:13 on ttys001
Stresser:~ PYC$ /Users/PYC/Downloads/Mindustry-linux64-2.3/Mindustry ; exit;
-bash: /Users/PYC/Downloads/Mindustry-linux64-2.3/Mindustry: cannot execute binary file
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
Deleting expired sessions...20 completed.

[Opération terminée]

The Linux version works for me, and I don't have a mac, so unfortunately I have no way to test it. The binary file format seems to be correct, so I don't think there's anything I can do. Sorry.

(1 edit)

I absolutely love this game! It's great until higher waves(60 or so). Then enemies can just one shot the strongest buildings. I would love if you added another resource, stronger walls, more damaging guns, better heal guns or something like that so we can get to higher waves. Another suggestion is resource sorting(a way to only take one resource of a conveyor belt).   


I'm planning on implementing large multi-block turrets and walls in 3.0, which should address the one-shot problem. As for sorting, that should be coming in 3.0 too, when I implement block configurations. Teleporters might help with that as well.

This game is absolutely amazing and I love playing it. So thanks for making such an awesome game. Just as a suggestion: Maybe you should add a slight tutorial on how everything works. Also maybe make it show when One thing isnt hooked up. For instance a conveyor belt that leads to nothing has a red outline or something. 


Thank you! A comprehensive tutorial is already planned for 2.3, and I'll see if I can implement the conveyor warning, if it doesn't end up looking too intrusive.


Is it possible to transfer saves from an old versoion to a new one?

Not yet. Future versions should be able to support this, though.


High score 275 on maze ;)

i made a brand new save and built a lot of a lot of stuff then i decided to get off and save  but it said error null something try to fix it please and i dient do anything pacific i just played and did a lot

(2 edits)

Do you happen to have a screenshot of the error message? It would also be helpful to know what platform you're playing on (PC or Android).

EDIT: I did some testing, and found a major issue-- did you happen to have any empty conduit blocks placed on the map? Those cause an error when saving; I'll upload a fix now.

(1 edit)

i realy like this game and wondered if if it was on my phone , and guess  what? it was  so now i can play my favorite game on the go

How does the water work?  I have not been able to figure it out.

Are you referring to...

  • the method of obtaining it? You can get water by placing a pump on a water tile, then laying conduits away from it into the block you want the water to go.
  • the method of transporting it? Use conduits; they transport water similarly to how conveyors transport items. The Liquid Router also works the same way as the normal router, so you can use that to split a conduit into 3 other conduits or blocks simultaneously. 

It's also worth noting that you can lay conveyors across water to act as a walk-able bridge.

Yeah I figured it out.   Thank you.  This game was amazing once I figured out how everything works.

1 week ago i was playing this game(before update) and it was great game!

I cant wait to play now(after update)

kool cant wait

the junstion block blakes the game 

Yep, sorry about that. That bug should be fixed in the next release.

kool cant wait

Hands down the best tower defense I played. The only thing that annoys me is the fact that the game crashes before I can reach round 20.

Hmmm, does this crash happen when you do something specific, or just right before round 20? Which platform are you on (e.g. web/android/PC)? There's a known bug [which will be fixed next release] where placing a junction causes a crash; could that have been it?

I am playing on windows/linux and the game usually crashes after round 15 and it crashes when i right click on a block.

(1 edit)

Is there a particular block you're right-clicking that causes the crash? I really have no idea what this could be caused by, so I'll see if I can implement an error reporter later.

Pretty much any block though I haven't tried them all.

add a remove buton


You can remove blocks by holding the right mouse button on them (or, on Android, by pressing and holding a block ).

thanks a lot... i realised that after restarting and reading the tutorial again.

u can use lab


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